The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Vipir Sprint fires customers ROFL - 07/06/07 10:50 PM
Posted By: Seaelf Re: Sprint fires customers ROFL - 07/06/07 11:30 PM
I had to call DELL about a problem I had and they basically said the same thing, "sorry we can't help you". Stingy bastards !!
Posted By: Ken_Kamillion Re: Sprint fires customers ROFL - 07/07/07 05:15 PM
U know what is funny if they can fire me can i draw unemployment from them for firing me.
Posted By: Crimthan Re: Sprint fires customers ROFL - 07/07/07 07:42 PM
I wonder if this attitude will bleed over into MMO's?

Could be both good and bad at the same time. All the whiners in beta, etc, that aren't smart enough to handle the option of having stat-allocation per level, and want it auto-allocated across the board for them could get the boot. I'd love that.

Then again, you send a service complaint that you fell through the world more than once or that character X is using a known exploit more than once, and you get the boot. =P
Posted By: Daye Re: Sprint fires customers ROFL - 07/08/07 02:13 AM
We all just learned an easy method to get out of a
Sprint contract then huh ?
Posted By: Aviendha Re: Sprint fires customers ROFL - 07/09/07 02:44 PM
When my Nextel contract is up in August, I'm firing them.
Posted By: Arcain Re: Sprint fires customers ROFL - 07/10/07 04:27 AM
or just don't waste your money on a contract to save 100 bucks on a crappy phone with no actual useful extras... spend that extra 100 on a good phone from overseas that is unlocked, make sure it has a sim card and if they piss you off you just go to a different company, most will give you the same "great" contract only deal just to get a person on the network and make some commision
Posted By: Daye Re: Sprint fires customers ROFL - 07/11/07 03:32 AM
Or do what I do.

Don't carry a cell phone at all. To hell with their contracts, crappy signal, and annoying ass ringtones.

Go buy one of these instead. They're a lot more fun >:)
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