The KGB Oracle
Posted By: nitekon RYL: Path of the empror mmorpg - 12/16/05 01:10 AM
anyone ever played it or read about it?

i justt d/l the game yesterday night and started playing a bit. graphics look like lineage 2, game is somewhat of a daoc mixture with wow. people swear by the pvp to be the best out there. its based more on skills than items. you can dodge and jump out of attacks from pc's and npcs. so you could run away from mobs without being attacked and take on a number of plyers, unlike any othere games. so far it seems like it might be fun, but i am only at lvl 12. right now you are able to play it for free, not sure if its unlimited. to get free gameplay you need a .net email account. would be cool if some of you try it so we can hook up.
Posted By: Mordeloth Re: RYL: Path of the empror mmorpg - 12/16/05 01:12 AM
ill try it, but do i gotta pay to create a .net email account? or what?
Posted By: nitekon Re: RYL: Path of the empror mmorpg - 12/16/05 01:33 AM
dont think so.. i got a .net account from comcast.
cant play for free if you use a hotmail, excite, yahoo, ect. .com email account to register the game.
Posted By: Mordeloth Re: RYL: Path of the empror mmorpg - 12/16/05 08:25 PM
ohh, i have comcast. where do i go to signup for my free account or whatever
Posted By: Elph Re: RYL: Path of the empror mmorpg - 12/16/05 08:28 PM
are you sure they dont mean a .net account like for msn messenger it's called .net but yetyou have .com emails and stuff like that

i think the .net is like the msn network or something like that
Posted By: nitekon Re: RYL: Path of the empror mmorpg - 12/16/05 09:23 PM
no its not that .net framework or whatever it is from microsoft. you could use a free web email account to register the game, but you wotn get free playing time. if you want that 30 day trial, you must use a .net email account.

.com gets no love =(

signup here
Posted By: Mordeloth Re: RYL: Path of the empror mmorpg - 12/16/05 09:27 PM
ok i signed up and i am installing now, are you a human or the orc like creatures? also, whats your name on there?
Posted By: nitekon Re: RYL: Path of the empror mmorpg - 12/16/05 11:19 PM
im an orc, nitekonia is the name.
hit me up in icq 15069227 or aim chicohimself
Posted By: Mordeloth Re: RYL: Path of the empror mmorpg - 12/17/05 05:11 PM
my name is yineup, im on the server that starts with an A and im a warrior, i would like to suggest that people give this game a try, for a free mounth its worth it
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