The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Derid BDO? - 07/19/17 07:06 PM

So, Ive noticed BDO has been on Steam bestseller list for weeks now. Is the game currently worth playing? We getting a lot of recruits from the influx of Steam noobs?

Whats the end-game looking like? I've though about trying this off and on, but keep sitting on the fence.
Posted By: Owain Re: BDO? - 07/19/17 10:46 PM
The game has always been worth playing.

The game is what you make of it. There is an endless number of things to do. If you enter into the game with the intent of getting to the end game as quickly as possible, however, it probably isn't the game for you.
Posted By: Derid Re: BDO? - 07/20/17 12:13 AM
So, lots of random stuff to do, but not much end-game? Are the sieges or whatnot not fun or well-implemented? Or is it just a long grind to get there? I've thought about trying BDO off and on since I first quit AA, though I recently got back to playing AA (but theres not much going on in AA again), but really don't know much about the game except what I've gleaned from random discussions and the Steam store page.

Does it have a decent arena or anything? That was, and is, a huge disappointment with AA - they seemed to somehow go backwards in time from before Guildwars was even a thing as far as their arenas go. If no arena, is there like frequent PvP events you can just jump into similar to how Halcyona was in early AA?
Posted By: Elochai Re: BDO? - 07/20/17 12:19 AM
How many active KGB Knights? and is the Faction open or closed?
Posted By: Owain Re: BDO? - 07/20/17 01:07 AM
The faction is i

Open, last I heard.

Sieges require gear and numbers. Gear is manageable, but numbers cannot be automagically generated.

If you want to be on BDO KGB, the best approach in my opinion is to consider BDO as a multiplayer version of Skyrim. If you want to take part in sieges, there are other organizations you can seek out.
Posted By: Taxman Re: BDO? - 07/20/17 01:09 AM
Currently BDO is a closed faction, be glad to have more folks actively join us.

Quite honestly, BDO is a fun game - lots of things to do/learn/progress. There is some RNG grind on gear progression, but ways to do that in-game (fail-stacks/etc) that give opportunities to do it without requiring you to throw your wallet at it. For example, when you put stones into your armor to level it - you can go from +1 to +8 without fails, past that to +15 it gets some RNG/difficulty. Good news is your armor/weapons do not "explode" when failure happens, you just take a durability hit and you can repair that. Past +15, Pri is non-fail, Duo and above can fail and MAY step back a level on failure. The other good news is that if you level a set of Grunil armor (for example) you can hand it off to one of your other characters (shared bank space) and they can use it. That is really all there is to the "pain" of the gear progression. If you don't want to do that at all - then you can just earn $$ in-game and BUY your gear leveled by someone else (or make money leveling gear for others/etc). Lots of ways in-game to make $$... so not a big deal.

KGB does have a few active knights playing, but unfortunately we don't have enough to do "Node Wars" or "Sieges" anymore. :-/ Eventually, there will be updates that will allow us to just hop into a siege/war on a side that we select and battle along with others - but that is currently not in-game.

Owain, myself, and others who are in-game would be glad to show ya the ropes and get ya going. Definitely not a "shallow" game - but not "overwhelming" either. Level progression is primarily from killing mobs/xp - but there is also skill gain (from use) and Energy/Contribution gain from questing and NPC interaction (all are important). If you are looking for epic end-game raids/grinds for special gear drops (like WOW) - that is NOT BDO. There are world-bosses and other mechanisms for "boss armor" and special item drops, but no huge dungeon raids or dedicated "raid nights" to go with them either.

Hope this helps explain BDO in a "nutshell" - if you want to join us "nuts" be glad to help ya out!


Oh PS... the server is one large US server with multiple "channels" nearly all of which are "crowded" (aka busy in-game) since the game came up on Steam. Certainly seems like a LOT of new folks are coming in from the Steam front (they have their own new-player +XP leveling channels).
Posted By: Derid Re: BDO? - 07/20/17 01:24 AM
Thanks Tax, that was quite helpful!

Maybe I will screw around with it some this weekend, also looking at maybe checking out the new DnL because of the private server features. If I make it past the noobie levels in BDO I will give you a holler.
Posted By: Owain Re: BDO? - 07/20/17 03:38 AM
We are still closed? My bad. There was a discussion about going open a while back, and I thought we had. Sorry for the disinformation.
Posted By: Taxman Re: BDO? - 07/20/17 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Owain
We are still closed? My bad. There was a discussion about going open a while back, and I thought we had. Sorry for the disinformation.

Ah no worries - we did discuss it again, and the decision was to remain "closed" but "flexible" as we had a few knights that wanted to participate in node wars/etc but we don't have the numbers for that currently.

If things DO change - then the short list of knights involved will either come back into the fold, or take a break from KGB.
Posted By: Taxman Re: BDO? - 08/10/17 05:55 AM
UPDATE - There hasn't been much at all going on in BDO, no new content (other than seasonal event content) since the release of the "Striker". There will be an additional class coming out down the line, but nothing really NEW from Korea - and therefore nothing coming to the US client any time soon.

So per the other post (that I am about to post) - the KGB BDO faction has dropped any non-participating conscripts from the roll call and is now being declared an OPEN faction.
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