The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Deertha Deer/Deertha - Taking a break from AA. - 08/27/16 01:23 PM
Hey guys its ya boy here

As many of you have noticed I have been somewhat inactive the past few months. I have tried playing but have found it hard.
Its good to be on a new server and its fun when I play but as soon as there is the slightest downtime I get extremely bored. Logging in at night(NZT) I have nothing to do.

I've decided to take a break and play the wow expansion that comes out in a couple days. I'm not quitting Archeage but I'm taking at least a months break it will probably be until just before 3.0.
Another reason for this is the fact that its just becoming spring in New Zealand and I want to get out and explore the country with my doggo this year.

I don't plan on leaving KGB, I love playing with you guys and if I don't come back to AA I will probably play whichever the next big mmo is with you all.

Ill still be active in slack and teamspeak most days.

I was talking to Everloom and he asked if he could play on my account. I've been friends with loom a long time (volatile,zealous,rebellion) and let him use my stuff multiple times in the past and don't see him scamming me so im going to let him. I will be making sure its transferred and has a completely different name before i give him any details.
Hopefully this doesn't annoy anyone to much.

I'm feeling extremely awkward about it and didn't want to leave with numbers being how they were but I see we are recruiting some west people now so hopefully its a bit better. Transferring does stop me from jumping on in the mornings and sitting around doing nothing all day which I think I need to finally actually have a break.
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