The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Binbs KGB Vanguard leadership changes. - 05/12/07 03:15 AM
As you all know, I was given the task of being High Chancellor of the Vanguard faction. However real life has come to interfere into my gaming time and I won’t be able to be as active as I had anticipated.

Because of this, we are going to do a organizational restructure for the Vanguard faction. Jetstar is basically going to take over the role of High Chancellor with several Chancellor roles delegated to certain individuals who will be assisting with leadership tasks. Prime Minister Elph is also be active in Vanguard and will be assisting in the membership influx and board access issues. In the next week, Jetstar will be assembling his own Inner Council team of Chancellors.

I will still be semi-active in Vanguard but much more of a advisory role, than anything else. If anyone is interested in more responsibility, please take the time to send a pm to Jetstar on the Oracle to find out where you can help. Remember also, that not everyone has to be a leader to assist in the leading the Vanguard faction. There are many roles that need to be filled.

Good Luck.
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