The KGB Oracle
Hola Folks,

I need anyone who does not already own a house and would like a cottage at Ashatan to get in touch with me ASAP. This cottage has a gold slot machine and a garden only, is located on Ashatan and is a fairly decent location for skilling and minor harvesting. This cottage was given to me by another KGB member who left DFO and I need to keep it in the family and pass it on. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH ME ASAP and let me know and it is all yours.
Hey Vuldan, I have, The KGB (Thats a new ALT by the way) that could own it for now.

Let me know how I can help.
That would work fine..just need someone in KGB to come to Ashatan, as my alt who owns the house is an untagged faction target, but I want to close that account and I need to pass the house on to KGB members, as I said I would when given it. Just let me know when we can do this and I will make sure I am on.
i dont have a house smile
Originally Posted By: Uber
i dont have a house smile
resurrecting a thread that is a month old Uber
The house is now owned by The KGB. Clan house.
© The KGB Oracle