The KGB Oracle
Hi friendly KGB leadership.

I'm posting this to solicit leadership for a standing approval to raid the hometowns of six specific enemy clans for the purpose of setting up semi-regular pvp raids. We will not cause any asset damage to the actual cities and will most likely use bait and switch tactics to draw targets out of towns and avoid tower spam anyway. I like pvp and I'm a pretty organized guy so this is a good idea from my viewpoint.

Different clans and holdings from this pre approved list will be raided different nights and I will provide an intelligence report and sign up sheet a few days before each raid. I will expect anyone who signs up to be geared, ready, and waiting to go at the exact raid start time on that day. People will be expected to wear pvp gear, bring regs, food, pots, and arrows, obey the rules of battlecoms and listen to whoever is in charge.

If nobody signs up I will go solo pvp. Anyone is welcome to join. If you didn't sign up or weren't at the staging area on time it will be your responsibility to find and join the raid wherever we may be.

When military commanders are in attendance they will be in charge of the raid. I'm merely throwing this out there to organize and facilitate some regular weekly pvp.

To Leadership, please respond with the places you'd like to raid (six preferably so we can vary it up).

To fellow Knights, hope to see you joining up for some pvp!

*Disclaimer - If leadership does not approve this idea, please consider the entire thread null and void.
In no particular order:

Alberworth (Taco and Friends)
Ghanalaj (Cyber Police)
Long March (Cyber Police)
Gulghat (Friends with Benefits)
Kholesh (Friends with Benefits)
Kalthadar (Cyber Police)
Andruk (Mexico)
Tughri (Fraternal Union)

Yes, I know I named 8, but they seemed like decent targets.
If G5 Wolfgang wants to chime in with additional targets, or wants to change some up he can.
Otherwise, start with these and see how it goes.
FriendsWithBenefits Alliance:
The Eternal Shadow:
Western Taloc, Yssam
Ugtu, Niffleheim
Gulghat, Agon
Kholesh, Agon

CyberPolice Alliance holdings:
Grief: Long March, Agon
Ghanalaj, Ruby
Wanted: Ul'Sulak, Ruby

Mexico Alliance:
Sick Bastards:

Andruk, Agon
Erontil, Yssam
Mohera, Ruby
Moradar, Agon
Qiqatak, Niffleheim
Spear Waters, Agon
Sunstone Island, Yssam
Talpec, Yssam

I think that will give ya a wide variety of locations to try... as I listed all holdings for those alliances.
I agree with all these places that have been named by Romeo and Val aria. Of course all holdings except for the ones that are ally owned (Of course) are open for raiding as well. There is a non-asset damage rule in effect until further notice, this is just a reminder.

If there is anything further that you or anyone else needs please feel free to contact me. If anything else PM me on the oracle. I encourage all members to join in on pvp raids. I know it takes a decent amount of resources to gather in order to have good PVP gear, but it's worth it in the end.

My in game time maybe slightly reduced because of the workload i have at work. I will be working 6 days a week, and this will continue through the end of the year. I've also been notified that I maybe spending thanksgiving weekend at work. So no rest for the wicked. I will be in game as much as I can.

In your sevice,

© The KGB Oracle