The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Heidi Pre-Order Sold Out . . . . OR NOT! Check Here - 02/24/09 12:28 AM
Well finally got back into the account page today only to see that by 6pm they were sold out. I wont be able to play until launch if then. I'll be working to help build up the guild accounts instead.
Posted By: Heidi Re: Pre-Order Sold Out - 02/24/09 12:33 AM

Scratch that I think if you are logged in on the profile page you can use the above link to access the preorder product
Posted By: Laryagar Re: Pre-Order Sold Out - 02/24/09 12:40 AM
Good thing I got my account created and billing set on Saturday, it took me straight to pre-ordering.

Posted By: Revco Re: Pre-Order Sold Out - 02/24/09 12:47 AM
Thanks for posting this!!

I finally was able to get through the account setup and saw the Sold Out message, went to the darkfall forums and they were getting the same.

Your link worked perfectly.
Posted By: Heidi Re: Pre-Order Sold Out - 02/24/09 01:05 AM
Glad it worked for you! I got my confirmation email so mine is set as well. FINALLY
Phew got mine. I didn't have to use that link I got all the way to confirm my secutiry number on my CC and then lost connection .

By the time I got to work I checked email and I had the confirmation email
I've put in my CC, but haven't been able to push it in through the server.

Here is some advice you may want to use...

Step 1:
Log in and make sure your credit card information is stored.

Step 2:
Once you are on the screen that you see your credit card information is on cut and past the link I posted below. Change the XXX at the end of the link to the CVV code on the back of your credit card. This link bypasses everything and should work. I know someone who used it and it worked.

From other people i take no credit.

If your credit card is already stored try using the above method to finish pre-order confirmation.
Ok they say they are sold out. They will put more out at live. When that runs out they will not sell any more till they increase the capacity.
This means all of KGB that wants to play may not be able to play. They are not going to let as many people buy the game that want to.
Who else sees this as a problem

If your credit card is already stored try using the above method to finish pre-order confirmation.

"Dear revolkgb,
Your Darkfall pre-order was successful. You were charged 2.52 euro to initiate the pre-order process and this amount has gone towards your purchase of the Darkfall Client Download and a month of Darkfall play starting on February 25th."

Thanks Heidi!
And you dont get the usual free month when you buy the game???
Ya thanks for taking care of the Beta testers DF can suck my balls
No luck here either. I was on the last buy page for 2 days and still failed!
To the best of my knowledge you do get the free month included with the cost of the game purchase.
Dont get me wrong I do like the game and want to play. They really need to rethink the whole one server idea.
I wasn't even able to get my credit card info saved, so no pre-order for me, hope I will get lucky on wednesday. Are they going to make more than one server?
Or can they simply add more "mini-servers" (section it off) to the one server to handle the load?

Ok they say they are sold out. They will put more out at live. When that runs out they will not sell any more till they increase the capacity.
This means all of KGB that wants to play may not be able to play. They are not going to let as many people buy the game that want to.
Who else sees this as a problem

Two ways to look at it...

1) It's a good thing, because hopefully this means that they aren't going to have all the server crashes associated with most games that launch with a way bigger then expected population.

2) They've REALLY oversold/underprepared (hard to believe given the time this game was being developed for) and you're still going to have all the client/server issues, and not everyone who wants to play will even have the chance.

I'm going to wait a week or two after release before I actually buy the game. Money is tight and I don't want to buy into something that is going to do nothing but piss me off.

If KGB is still head over heels for the game after the 2 week or so mark (and they are going to let me buy it), I'll join everyone in game.
The first wave was 15K copies, and they said they are going to have more at launch, but only enough that they can handle and to my understanding right now they are only going to have one server up. Getting the game on launch is going to be just like pre-ordering, refresh and pray. But if dont get in on launch day I bet it will not be a week before they open things back up to try to buy the game
Ok, am I getting this right: Whether the ordering system is up or not, is it a good idea to already have your payment information in the system so you can just click "buy", or do you only have that option when the actual product is available?
yes its better to have your information already on your account that way you can go straight into purchase
Unfortunately, the site doesn't even load from me when I use the links in this thread.
yah they still have it completly shut down atm.
Yeah. Hopefully, by tonight (because over there, it'll be weds, they will have pre-orders up. If pre-orders go up again at the time I am at work, I wil strangle a kitten! grrrr
Its like being in a soup line.
Sometimes they have the soup and its a mad dash to the table.
Most of the time you are sitting around playing checkers.
seriously doubt there will be only 1 launch server the beta server is already renamed
eu server #1
Hey guys i was curious if there is a way that i could just DL the game and log in with somebodys character just to see what in game looks like... is that possible right now or do i have to wait till it is just released in stores?
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