The KGB Oracle
here it is
meh I called it beta then launch
Good !! Maybe once it is released, it will last longer than a month
Well, if they allow us to start beta testing soon, I'm not very depressed. We figured it'd get pushed back with the delay of any announcement.
Geeze, I hope that they don't just allow the fourm trolls. I wonder how they will pick.

With my luck, even though they said they'll allow thousands of people to try the game, i'll be 1001.
whos pre ordering?
normally i preorder games that insure earliest playtime just curious if you all will?
Of course i'm preordering! Then again, it's the Euro copy. Does it even apply to us?
id assume so but with my desire to not look at the forums anymore id pay just to play euro and buy another for us lol
they did say that euro puchase would work for us tho
but who knows now..

Preorder 4tw...

As long as its stable and the main shit works at launch, im happy.
The euro and NA releaase have nothing to do with anything but server location, just like you could play UO on oceanic erers with any cd key, so will be darkfall, its been said multiple times by devs
anyone have a link to a pre order site?
I am not sure if the pre-order location has been finalized. The announcement said it would be available for pre-order in February. I plan to pre-order asap and will camp on their doorstep on the 22nd to see if I can get into the open beta...assuming that part goes through.


Pre order will go up sometime in feb.

As long as its stable and the main shit works at launch, im happy.

Agreed, I've got no complaints here. I do hope to get into the.. um... pre-release non-beta release-candidate software stress test freebie.
Open Beta will be March 7th.

July 16th will be Release date for US.

Because I'll be back from my LT school in March, and I'll be back from my AMMOC school in July.
© The KGB Oracle