The KGB Oracle
Alter Net

Alter net article has links to Frontline for those who like to watch documentaries and stuff.

Of course they dont bother until *after* an election, but hey better late than never to make attempts at repairing that journalistic credibility.
Once again, someone from the left of center finally mentions what we've been saying all along. I'm sure Jet will change his mind now, considering how much stock he puts into Frontline and PBS.
I watched the piece, and think it was good reporting. Did any of you? There are lots of angles here. After you watch it (Available on the web) then lets talk.

Will you change your mind about PBC and Frontline as they continue to put out programs critical of some of Obama's decisions? Or will you continue to site it's example only when it is convenient for you?
Originally Posted By: JetStar
I watched the piece, and think it was good reporting. Did any of you? There are lots of angles here. After you watch it (Available on the web) then lets talk.

Will you change your mind about PBC and Frontline as they continue to put out programs critical of some of Obama's decisions? Or will you continue to site it's example only when it is convenient for you?

Find one other piece of their journalism that isn't total shit and I'll be ready to start considering them almost credible.
I highly recommend the following. Spend the time, and then lets discuss. I never miss a Frontline, and it is clearly the best and most unbiased analytics on television.
They speak to both sides, interview both sides, and quote both sides and let you decide. Unlike any other program or news outlet.

Its not just me that thinks so. Show me anyone or anything that can even come close to this:
Frontline is amazing: even if for nothing else besides their cinematography.
Originally Posted By: TurkeyJ
Frontline is amazing: even if for nothing else besides their cinematography.

Best thing on television. I which more of these guys would watch. I know they would actually appreciate the covering both sides aspect.
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