The KGB Oracle

Looks like Obama wants making a fake Facebook name a felony as well. Breaking any ToS would be a felony.

So basically Obama wants to be able to use Federal agents to be able to come in, and arrest pretty much anybody. At any time.

Scary shit, very fucking scary.

That will be interesting to see play out. Considering so many Law Enforcement types have alter egos on Facebook to locate fugitives and whatnot, it will be tough to enforce. laugh

Remember, that lovely cutie who wants to be your ' friend ' in Facebook may or may not be who she says she is. She may friend your friends to see if they can give up your location laugh

Tough to enforce is the point. It means that any enforcement will be completely arbitrary, and based on what has always happened in the past- due to ulterior motive on the part of the enforcers.

It will also mean Google, with their unlimited money, close political ties and database on everyone... will be able to start targeting people at will to have Feds kick down their door and haul them off on charges. Same for just about any company, in fact I bet it comes out that Google were the ones who initiated this.

This is the ultimate extortion tool for the politically connected, and a direct assault on the Republic. It is so frustrating that people take this kind of shit without a peep simply because they assume it will never affect "them".
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