The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Mithus Fork Over Knives - Life saving documentary - 05/14/12 06:37 PM
I recently read a great book "The China Study" that
Respected nutrition and health researcher, Dr. T. Colin Campbell reveals the truth behind special interest groups, government entities and scientists that have taken Americans down a deadly path. In The China Study, Dr. Campbell details the connection between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, and also its ability to reduce or reverse the risk or effects of these deadly illnesses. The China Study also examines the source of nutritional confusion produced by powerful lobbies, government entities, and irresponsible scientists.

now my personal view about the movie and the book behind the movie.

This book is a life saver, since my father died of cancer 3 years ago, I have been researching and changed my habbits to not have the same fate of him. Since I changed my diet, I do not have anymore chest pain, and I feel in the right path to be full healthy. You will be amazed by the what is in the book. If anyone want the book I can send through email.

If you have any familiar/parent with health problems like diabetes,heart diseases or even cancer this is a must to see documentary, it was out last year, I got it by torrent, but also bought it from amazon too.

Also if you listen to this lecture you will have a small sum what the book is about

I agree in principle with a lot of things here already (I have been vegetarian for years) but I watched this crap and its like a 90 minute infomercial, the truth lies somewhere behind all the dogma.

That said, I am sorry about your father Mithus, and I'm glad to hear you are making conscious choices with your diet.
The book it's better, but for who is on a standard american diet it is a good warning(The movie, Fork Over Knives).

Correlation between several diseases in several countries do not lie, and about the experiment with rats priveously in India, and after done on USA with Dr. Campbell was not denied by any scientist, so FDA and the lobby industry is hiding the facts from the americans, and by consequence from the world, like here in Brazil we copy everything from the Americans, as you are in the lead of the world for good or for bad :).
Although the evidence presented is interesting (and the main reason to watch the film), I have a hard time taking health causation claims seriously, as there is a huge difference between causation and correlation, and it's quite difficult to prove more than just correlation. My personal feeling is that a healthy diet is probably the foundation for health but even after watching the film I can't provide you with concrete causal evidence for that.

I also believe that our government tends to act in the best interests of industry rather than humanity but alluding to this as the reason for anything requires a lot of specific evidence.

The main thing I disliked about the film is that after presenting these arguments which, again, I agree with but did not find wholly convincing, they conclude that everybody should adopt their specific way of life and jump on the bandwagon... It smells of propaganda or marketing and I guess because I agree with so much of what they say, it made me very disappointed.
Colin campbell explain to us on a document with several pages about the concepts of correlation and causation are often misunderstood and misused.

The movie is a good warning, telling that certains foods would not be that soo much perfect food, also there is no absolute proof in nutrition, only strong evidences. And we have to consider that some people do not have the genes to promote cancer even with a bad nutrition, or they are not exposed to carcinogenics, or other factors like excessive stress.

The evidences on reversing heart diseases are astonishing, also the obersvations on other diseases(reversing diabetes).

If you have interest and time I also recomend you to see this long lecture about the perils of dairy and take your own conclusions, you can jump the first 12 minutes, he just thank people on the audience:

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