The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Steck LOA - 05/16/10 07:56 AM
Knights -

As much as I regret it, I must take a leave of absence from the guild. Please don't take this the wrong way, I cherish and respect the KGB and sense of family that comes with membership, unfortunately, I must leave without knowing any of you as well as I would like. Between my current work schedule and my family life, I am not able to devote the time to the guild that you all deserve. It is not fair that I continue to expect the benefits of guild protection when I am unable to commit the time and resources expected of all members. I plan to keep my toon and alt active, albeit in a much more casual form. I will be around, but it is unfair to expect the benefits of full membership while on such a sporadic schedule. I leave my DFO destiny in your capable hands. If I am to be stripped of my tag, so be it, better to be untagged than to carry a tag undeserved.
Thank you for the friendship and hospitality you have all shown me, and please don't hesitate to call on me if I am online. I will still live by the oath I took upon joining the guild, I swear loyalty to no nation but KGB. I
Posted By: Valaria Re: LOA - 05/16/10 12:53 PM

We appreciate that you told us what is going on. If you do get removed from clan in game, it is simply just so that we can more accurately show our true numbers.

You will not be removed from KGB as a whole. You still retain your citizenship, Unless you join another clan then its removal from KGB as a whole.

Hopefully RL will slow down enough for you to come back and play with us. Feel free to pop in vent and chatter with us. We will have the lights on as always.
Posted By: Romeo_Montague Re: LOA - 05/16/10 02:48 PM
I wish you the best on your RL endevours, Steck and hopefully, you can find enough time one day to come grace us with your MMO prescence again; but in the mean-time, we will keep the light on for you brother.

We all come across hardships and busy times in our real life schedule and KGB is very understanding of that. Pop in to keep us posted from time to time. You are a Knight regardless of your in-game activity as long as you decide to keep in touch (and not tag to another clan, as Val said.)

Good luck and if you need anything, we are all here.
© The KGB Oracle