The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Kaotic Yeehaw! - 11/19/12 12:28 AM
Posted By: Daye Re: Yeehaw! - 11/19/12 03:54 PM

Yeah, I don't think I've ever heard the phrase:

" Hold mah brussel-sprouts ! Watch this ! "
Posted By: Valaria Re: Yeehaw! - 11/19/12 07:01 PM
Used to do that as kids with sleeping bags... We lived in an old house that had a lot of stairs with a long hallway at the bottom... we would slide down the stairs and all the way down the hallway and hit the side of the bathtub. Was some of the most fun I had back then.... granted this was before video games in homes. Yea I am old. I do believe my parents had to buy us new sleeping bags yearly from doing this too.
Posted By: Kaotic Re: Yeehaw! - 11/19/12 08:16 PM
We did that with sleeping bags too Val, only there was a window right at the end of the stairs. Amazing we never broke it.
Posted By: Valaria Re: Yeehaw! - 11/19/12 11:32 PM
We broke plenty of windows growing up... Never me, I was the angel out of 7 kids.
Posted By: Daye Re: Yeehaw! - 11/20/12 12:34 AM
The true adventurer would throw a mattress or two at the bottom and simply LEAP off the top stair. :D

Sleeping bags were also superior on ice covered slopes. The waterproof material let you get some crazy speeds going. Until high speed adventurer met immovable object ( trees ). Was a short lived plan.

How I lived through my childhood is beyond me. . . . .
Posted By: Wolfgang Re: Yeehaw! - 11/20/12 02:05 AM
My dad was taking a nap, my mom was at work so my brother and sister thought it would be awesome to shoot at each other with a BB-Gun. I looked up and seen dad looking out the window at us. He told mom when she got home and we got an ass whoopin'.

I was about 13, my brother and two cousins were frogging. For some reason one of my cousins took a shotgun. It was a 20 gauge and we had number 8 bird shot in it. We were on one side of the pond while my brother and other cousin were on the other side catching frogs. So the cousin I was with was trying to shoot a frog before they could get up to it. He shot and apparently some of the BB's from the bird shot hit my other cousin. The fight ensued, it was pretty funny seeing them go home all bloodied up and hearing my aunt say... "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED to you two?" F.Y.I my aunt never said fuck unless shit was about to go down. And it did... lol
Posted By: Valaria Re: Yeehaw! - 11/20/12 04:35 PM
Originally Posted By: Daye
The true adventurer would throw a mattress or two at the bottom and simply LEAP off the top stair. :D

Sleeping bags were also superior on ice covered slopes. The waterproof material let you get some crazy speeds going. Until high speed adventurer met immovable object ( trees ). Was a short lived plan.

How I lived through my childhood is beyond me. . . . .

Did that too. We would throw the toddler and crib mattresses to the bottom of the stairs and hang over the banister at the top and drop... it was a good 12ft drop.

We also would wax the bottom of our sleds in the winter, or the best ever was getting these GIANT heavy duty plastic bags ( they were like 100lb sugar bags from my dad's workplace ) and we would climb in them and go down the hills. I lived on 3 acres and my dad would plow the snow into a mountain almost as tall as the house. We would tunnel and hollow out the center like a club house with slides and emergency exits. Strong enough to have a full grown Black Angus Steer standing on top with us kids inside.

Or sitting on wax paper at the local park on the slides to make them faster.... Oh my... Amazed we didnt kill ourselves. Swinging from ropes in the hay loft of a barn over a hole in the floor to drop bails through.. Yea we lived! No video games back then.
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