The KGB Oracle
August 20th, 2021 - Year 24
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1. Tonight's patch seems to have resolved the server crash during big fights
2. KGB has been taking outposts and last night got our first fort
3. Small scale PVP is everywhere and super awesome
We got our tags as everyone wanted. Now we need to prove our worthiness to hold it. Tonight we had a disorganized 8 for siege. Never again. We have leader coms figured out in Donk's absence and will be appointing Knight Captains to lead groups in Donk's absence. Please try to show up at 6:00pm PST / 9:00 EST on Saturday night. Log in to help take outposts, forts and other points. It is super fun and we get the points for KGB!
Here is is KGB taking it's first fort and holding it against greater numbers from the perspective of Roachcoach, KGB Paladin.
Can't wait to get back from camping! Hell yea!
Haha...something wrong with you...I can't wait to have enough free time to go camping.
© The KGB Oracle