The KGB Oracle
Star Citizen/Squadron 42 Purchase Options Revealed
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Last month, Cloud Imperium Games stated that they would make it so that new customers could opt to buy Star Citizen and its persistent online universe, and single player campaign Squadron 42, separately. Now, they have revealed the purchase details available.

You can choose to buy either Star Citizen or Squadron 42 for only $ 45. If you decide you want to complete your copy of the game, you need only add another $ 15 to get the other half, rounding this off to the standard $ 60 game retail price.

Whichever you choose to purchase, you will still be using the same game client, and assets and other elements remain the same. This is a good option for fans who don’t have the online connections to play Star Citizen‘s persistent universe but want to play just Squadron 42. Of course, if you wanted to get the persistent universe and not pay extra for the single player campaign, you can do that too.

If you backed or bought the game before February 14, this does not affect your purchase. You are still getting Star Citizen and Squadron 42 in one package for however you paid for it. If you do choose to buy Squadron 42 on its own, you also get Arena Commander.

Star Citizen is in development for PC, on Windows and Linux. Squadron 42 is planned for release this year. You can watch Mark Hamill, Gary Oldman, and Gillian Anderson talking about working on Squadron 42. CIG recently went past the $ 100 million crowdfunding mark. Chris Roberts also made the amazing revelation that CIG’s studios are working on the game every 24 hours.
Many months ago CR stated that SQ 42 would be a stand along AAA title in conjunction to the SC PU. The immersion monkies so over funded SC that CIG had enough cash on hand to develop two overlapping AAA titles that are utilizing core assets/code.

CR made this announcement when the SQ 42 trailer with Gary was released at CitizenCon. All this really is an attempt to do is monetize the sale of SQ42 as a stand alone title for those that don't want the PU element of the title. This means you can damn well expect that there will be monetized DLC for SQ 42 in the future.
DLC?.....No....Chapters 2 and 3.....yes.
fairly sure that it depends on when you signed up
I think the backers get the first few DLC's free
I would also expect and one that buys the game after launch to pay for each DLC of sq42
Knew this was coming, regardless of how much they have made. This was the plan to split it and make it cost more. Back early for the discount, though most of us payed way more than 45-60.
I concur Zhou. It's one of the reasons when CIG made the statement that they were going to shut down the black/grey market for ship sales that I monetized my two of my three alternate accounts in order to break even on my investment. This is why I haven't given them a red nickle since the days of Founder LTI.
well if i dont die of old age before it comes out, ill see you all there :)
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