1. Saddam WMD were taken from him after the first Gulf war. He did not want to admit to having none, because he was terrified of Iran and did not think the USA would really invade.

2. Saddam and Osama hated each other, one was secular the other jihadist. There is no evidence they collaborated, and no reason to ever think they did or would. Al Quada wanted to undermine Iraq and set themselves up there, but were generally not able to do so until we were kind enough to eliminate not just Saddam but the entire Baathist secular establishment.

3. That 200 million a day was not for Obama vacation, but rather his trip to India. It is also grossly off the mark. also remember, that all those personnel involved are going to still be drawing a check whether they are in India that week or not. Honestly, making big foreign trips to important countries like India is directly related to national security and what a President should be doing.

I do agree with your last couple paragraphs though. There is nothing good about Socialism and forced wealth redistribution.

It just seems important, that we all try and keep focused on what is really wrong, and what is really important - like fighting Socialism.

One big reason for this - is convincing the opposition. Convincing people like Jet, for example.

You will never convince someone like Jet that Obama is dangerous to the USA by using a false reference like that 200mil a day crap, or trying to convince anyone that Bush had a clue.

But if you focus on the evil inherent in the Obamacare bill for instance, or the monetary policy being espoused and implemented by Bernake but supported by Obama - that is a different story. There is plenty wrong with Obama, but a great chunk of America will refuse to listen, if the same people pointing out the flaws are also wearing flaws considered by many to be just as large.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)