You start off with an assumed stance that free speech is under attack and should be universal. Then, you want people with right-wing hot takes to be somehow immune from the resulting left-wing social consequences, but you want companies with left-wing hot takes to be forced to buckle to right-wing social consequences. I really did my best to try to pin you down on how that force might be realized, in a way which satisfies this inconsistency. Instead, you just fall back to complaining about some ridiculous argument about how NY Books or Facebook or whoever is somehow mind controlling the body politic to a degree where their overreach extinguishes the constitution. So I stopped replying - I've already agreed that monopoly is bad, but I disagree that NY Books is a monopoly or is capable of chilling speech universally.

I guess maybe the Patreon debate has widened your visions on this given your praise for their self-exile, but let's have you spell it out here before moving on to your whiney Quillette drivel.

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