There is a strong social norm that it is wrong to judge someone simply for how they were born. That is a good thing as it allows for stigmatization of actual racists. But now the left is abusing the same term we traditionally used for violating THAT norm, to describe 'Doing things one believe might contribute to inequality in society. These people will soon discover that accusations of racism carry no weight and have no stigma attached. You already can see this, as accusations of racism did nothing to harm Trump's standing.

More so, what constitutes 'things that might contribute to inequality in society' is not settled even on the left, least throughout wider society. Consequently, the more radical one's interpretation of this concept, the more opportunities one would have to accuse others of racism. Such misuse allows "Judge someone … how they were born" people to pretend they are being criticized for "Doing things … contribute to inequality" and normalize themselves within society. This is universally undesirable outcome and is largely the result of the radical left's misuse of Racism! label.

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