Instrument and me ran around a bit yesterday, was pretty fun. It's nice to see cargo in ships now and some other functions online. I glitched out of his Starfarer while we were heading to Grim Hex later, unfortunately my character was also bugged and couldn't eva back over to his ship after we spent 10 mins on a rescue operation to get the ship back near me again and ended up on the wind shield haha!

Vuldan a lot of people with monster machines are not able to run it well. They are still optimizing it. However, I was surprised with both of us being on opposites ends and connecting to the Aus server and having no real issues. They have come a long way but still a lot more to do.

Just a note, if you want to see your ping/frames/etc (it will appear as an overlay on the top right of the screen) you can type in the console: r_displayinfo 3

Just an opinion, but as long as everyone is split between 3 different voice apps it will continue to do more harm than good.