Hey gang! You guys used to have a huge presence in Ultima Online, so I thought you might want to know about this. There's a free shard springing up, and we're getting a lot of attention.

Ren mechanics, felucca rules. No neons, no pay-to-win, balanced pvp, and tons of really awesome features. There's even a system where you can build and control your own cities, as well as a form of custum housing that doesn't look like hell.

We're getting a ton of attention, and have a discord with almost 500 members, and growing rapidly. Not only rapidly, but tons and tons of players that have never even played UO.... which is awesome.

So, basically, a shard without a bunch of neon crap, hugely interesting features, still feels like uo, and has lots of people to play and roleplay with.

Here's a reddit post with a run down of UO and the this specific shard and all of it's information.


I'll check in to see if you guys have any questions.