Originally Posted By: Zhou
Originally Posted By: Tasorin
Originally Posted By: Zhou
Still waiting for a social system of some sort so I can at least team with people I want to play with. Until then I just play around with the AI Sim.

It's basically all I do as well every time they come out with a new build. It's honestly become my own personal bench test because the AI scenario remains a constant as the code changes.

At some point in the near future, the 6dof build should be implemented and we can actually start to see who is going to win the internal discussion of flight mechanics.

Not really interested too much in a whole flight setup. A decent joystick should be good enough. Especially with the voice attack software adjusting for some actions.

That is one of the open issues with the current builds. It's really only 4DoF right now and the torsion twist most flight sticks worth a spit have, aren't incorporated yet. Basically the DFM is a giant "yaw & Pew Pew" fest right now where you are better off being a turtle turret then trying to actually dog fight. They will get there at some point, but for right now the DFM is largely eye candy and the future test bed for ship implementation, balancing, scalability and netcode/hit detection.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!