Originally Posted By: JetStar
Originally Posted By: Instrument
"refuses to admit that Citizens would use the Multi Org system to Spy and cutthroat assets."

This is what CR wants he has been watching EVE news stories instead of playing EVE

most ORG's are going to be closed anyway if you want to spy you will spy with a different account with no link to your own ORG not use a system that has/will have built in ways of finding out your hidden org

That is exactly what the GSS would do and has always done. I would purchase several accounts for this purpose.


And why I have four vet backer accounts and how I was able to safely grey market hard assets and almost pay off my entire investment into SC. Hell, I even paid off the gifts to Drakiis and Donk.

The only real repercussion you face would be an IP scan of all accounts and would only work if CiG was willing to go that far and you were lazy and aren't running an IP proxy range. I think about a dozen or so of the usual suspects sent CR and Wingman what they could expect if they allowed "Ship assignment" to others in your Org and the entire in-game asset aspect, regardless of Multi-Orgs, which just made it easier.

As usual, no one wants to believe that the cutthroat hardcore meta is going to be there and when you make statements that you want to eliminate or highly mitigate in-game mechanics that facilities the ability to grief Citizens, and then you ignore the human element to that statement, it's very telling about the actual commitment of CR to let go of his belief of the way things are and accept the reality of the human element.

Expect a river of tears once this title goes live in the PU and the ability to con your way into access of hard in game assets of an organization and then pilfer them and filter to your own use. I don't expect CR or CIG to change there stance or the game mechanics that will allow for this to happen until after the fact.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!